Visitor information for Middleton Beach

Middleton Beach is a beautiful Tourist Destination and MUST VISIT LOCATION in Western Australia:

The most popular beach in Albany. Swim or relax under the trees. Cafes and amenities. Visit Middleton Beach

Middleton Beach

Frequently Asked Questions about Middleton Beach:

Question: Where is Middleton Beach located?

Answer: Middleton Beach is located on the south coast of Western Australia. Use your GPS and go directly to this Latitude: -35.010034 and Longitude: 117.925787 in Western Australia - on the South Coast of Western Australia.

Question: Where can I find out more about Middleton Beach?

Answer: Details, including photographs and more can be found here Middleton Beach.

For a Google Map to this location, click here: GOOGLE MAP TO Middleton Beach

Middleton Beach, Western Australia